Guy Fawkes Day

27 min read

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techgnotic's avatar
gunpowder treason and plot by TheStink411

Burns one man's vendetta on fires of drunk delight while Heaven's rainbows burn and sparkle in the sky.

The fascinated coo while boredom freezes cold and watches while his breath fades steaming into night.

The pennies for the guy jingle in their tin while he a traitor burns, his Cath'lic soul in Hell.

The animals run scared, not from fireworks, but from th'unholy sound of Guido's punishment.

He screams a silent scream that no-one else can hear, save God and pets and Satan's wailing hordes.


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DrMostafaMortaja's avatar

A bit late but I wonder if you can like and feature my art as well:

V for Vendetta